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Official University of Florida Charge
TO: All University of Florida Employees and Students
DATE: January 13, 2023
SUBJECT: University Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT)
Effective Date: Immediately
Expiration Date: Indefinite
Charge of Behavioral Consultation Team
The University of Florida is committed to the safety and security of its students, employees, and
visitors. Threats to the university or university community, or to any part of the university
community, require prompt and coordinated attention and an appropriate response.
University of Florida’s Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT) which was formally created in
2008, serves students, employees and non-affiliates and is charged with the task of gathering
information related to and assessing threats to the University community and coordinating an
appropriate response.
Prevention is an active process and requires a strong and overt commitment by organizations and communities to prioritize public safety. This is manifested by the adoption of policies and programs to support targeted violence prevention efforts, establishment of threat assessment and management teams, and education to underscore the importance of these processes and to
promote acceptance and engagement by all (Making Prevention a Reality: Identifying,
Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks, 2017).
The BCT shall be dedicated to the early identification, assessment, prevention, reduction, and
management of violence, threats of violence, and other disruptions. To that end, BCT shall
respond to reports to identify situations and persons of concern, gather and assess information
regarding situations and persons of concern, and manage the situation or person to reduce or
eliminate the risk of violence or disruption. Pursuant to Florida law, BCT meetings and records
are not open to the public.
The BCT has authority to act on behalf of the University within its scope as outlined in this
policy and shall consult with and report its actions to the Vice President of Business Affairs and
Vice President of Student Life, as appropriate. The BCT shall establish a team protocol and
define and schedule appropriate team training.
BCT authority applies to all individuals on University owned, controlled, or leased properties
and individuals involved in University events or programs. This includes all members of the
University community and all departments and divisions of the University, including direct
support organizations with operations on the campuses of the University.